Radon Test
Definition of Service: A short or long-term test for an allotted amount of time to measure the presence of radon inside a home or building.
Short-Term Testing (2-89 days)
We perform short-term tests with continuous radon monitors (active devices).
Active Devices - Active radon testing devices require power to function. These include continuous radon monitors and continuous working level monitors. They continuously measure and record the amount of radon or its decay products in the air. Many of these devices provide a report of this information which can reveal any unusual or abnormal swings in the radon level during the test period. A qualified tester can explain this report to you. In addition, some of these devices are specifically designed to deter and detect test interference. Some technically advanced active devices offer anti-interference features. Although these tests may cost more, they may ensure a more reliable result.
Source: https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2015-05/documents/hmbuygud.pdf
Long Term Testing (90+ days)
We perform long-term tests with approved passive test devices.
Passive Devices – Passive radon testing devices do not need power to function. These include charcoal canisters, alpha‑track detectors, charcoal liquid scintillation devices, and electret ion chamber detectors, which are available in hardware, drug, and other stores; they can also be ordered by mail or phone. These devices are exposed to the air in the home for a specified period of time and then sent to a laboratory for analysis. Both short-term and long-term passive devices are generally inexpensive. Some of these devices may have features that offer more resistance to test interference or disturbance than other passive devices. Qualified radon testers may use any of these devices to measure the home’s radon level.
Source: https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2015-05/documents/hmbuygud.pdf